Orange Bellied Parrots
A while ago when I was at Moonlit, I learnt that the orange bellied parrots are endangered. This made me feel really super sad because I didn’t like to hear this. So mummy suggested that I could help them and we decided to raise money to help the orange bellied parrots.
Grandad has helped me make an orange bellied parrot poster that people can put in 5 cent coins. We also have a tin for all other coins.
The orange bellied parrot is critically endangered, there is only 50 left in the wild. The parrot lives in Victoria during winter and breeds during spring / summer in Tasmania.
I am raising money to give to moonlit who are breeding and releasing the parrots back into the wild.
On Monday we told my class at school all about the orange bellied parrots. We played a game and decorated a parrot with coloured tissue paper and showed them a big photo poster.
I hope you can all help me with my fundraising!
So proud of you Abby for caring and doing something to help these beautiful birds.