I went on the Merry Go Round
This morning Aiden and I had a party. We were sneaky because we at lollies and chocolate before breakfast.
We went to th Drs and then went to the Post Office to buy envelopes and stamps for my postcards.
We went to Movie World after we took Mummy to the Drs. I had a photo with Daffy Duck and my brother Aiden. We then went on the Merry Go Round and I went on the Magic Carpet with Bugs Bunny. I went on Tweety Bird and we went around and around. Next I went the Train with Daddy and Aiden. Aiden and I drove on Taxis and both of us were crashing a lot.
As we were leaving we bought a Wallet for Aiden, a hat for Daddy and I bought Zoe a super hero cape like mine and cat girl mask. On the way out Aiden and I had fairy floss and Daddy had a Chros.
When we got back to the Hotel, we had a swim in the hot and cold pool. It was great.💕💋💇🏿❤️😘
You must be sending a lot of postcards Abby. I know mummy had a book of them.